MODULAR BUSINEss incubator
How would you like a place to work on your business chops with limited financial risk?
Say Hello to our modular small business incubator
In June 2017, we were awarded a grant to develop a modular small business incubator in Downtown Kansas City, Kansas. We know that owning a small business is no small business, and we know that many entrepreneurs need a place to experiment without risking financial ruin. Our Pop-Up! business incubator is designed to help you test the market, understand the real costs of running a business, refine your product organically, and limit your exposure to risk.
We've harnessed our community's strengths
Arts, both in terms of programming and product, are increasingly recognized as a vital economic force in communities around the nation. We've teamed up with LISC - Kansas City, Community Housing of Wyandotte County, the Dotte Agency, the KS Small Business Development Center at Johnson County Community College, Workforce Partnership, and numerous community stakeholders to offer a series of workshops designed to help small business operators and entrepreneurs develop business plans, secure funding, and create a market for their business ideas.
Are you ready?
Then let’s get to it! Contact us for an application or to learn more.